It's a weekend. Three day for some. My employer (George Fox University) doesn't include Labor Day as a paid holiday. I've worked their 14 years and we've never had it off. Rumors blame it on the start date of the semester. But who really knows. It's just the way it has always been done. Blah.
So Wade headed down to Cary's house with hopes of getting into the Duck game. He needed a 'holiday' before school starts. I tried not to be too over anxious when he mentioned to me that he was thinking about heading south. "Stay as long as you want!" "You deserve a break." Don't forget to go see your mom."
My sleeping in was interrupted by a phone call from Gina. Her class was waiting on a student who hadn't shown up and the professor thought I could help locate him because I just have that kind of power. It was 6:45 am. So technically I did sleep in. After saving the day I crawled back in bed with the dogs and attempted to sleep a little more. My growling stomach woke me up and I made my way into the kitchen to cook up the last strips of Vogets' bacon.
And Now I sit on the back deck, reading the paper, drinking Mark Thompson's PNG fair trade coffee, cold but feeling the fresh air as it breezes in and out. Roxy was shivering so I put her pretty, pink sweater on.
And I am contemplating the dog park. :) I'll report on that later.