My friend Patty has been telling me for years that the reason we have children is so we can have grandchildren. I've been hearing that phrase long before my kids were child bearing age. (Patty is several years my senior.)
Last August Kalie and Aaron announced to us that Wade and I would finally become members of the grandparent club.

We are now down to the last weeks of waiting to meet our precious sweet pea. We get to be surprised at the birth as to which gender it will be.
There are times when the whole thing seems surreal. I haven't gotten carried away....yet. I have a new chest in my living room beginning to fill with toys. I have great plans for this little one....coming to Nana Boo's house will always be so much fun.
Wade is giddy with excitement. He's gona be a blubbering grandpa. He can't decide if he wants to be called papa or grandpa. Or gramps. Or grumpy.
Jesse will be Uncle Jesse and Brenna will be the favorite aunt. Roxy will need to love this little bairn.
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